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June 1, 2017

I walked out on the deck this morning only to realize that it was too cool to sit on the pollen covered chair and enjoy my morning coffee.  A Northern California morning!  That chill in the air that will give way to a glorious mid day.

I was on the deck last night, wondering why the crows I never hear,  were  kicking up such a fuss.  Their calls went on and on until I went out to see what was going on.  There like a looming Macy’s Parade balloon was a huge black cloud, covering half the sky and coming right toward us.  I came in and unplugged the television from the cable connection and the electrical outlet.  All it takes is one experience with a storm and the after effects to keep me vigilant.  The stormed moved out quickly, the lightening close but not quite over head.

But that is only half the story.  Decades ago while dispatching,  I took a call from someone I had known years before.  Like some very bright people, she was also quite eccentric and it appeared from the phone call to be getting more so.  She said the deer in her yard were talking to her, telling her there were hunters on her property.  So here I am these many many years later thinking back on that call and realizing she may have had a legitimate point.  Although deer talk is still a mystery to me.

Animals are much smarter than we omnivores want to admit.  Or is it because we want to  think we are the supreme race?  Like the incredible ability of the Monarch butterflies, to go from their summer home, to their reproducing place,  then on to the winter place, with entirely new leaderless crew,  most all life has a pattern of living and surviving that is to be admired.

My uncle lived on an island in Maine, not far from the mainland.  Each fall, at the start of hunting season,  the deer would swim to his and other adjoining islands until it was safe to return.

For those who have read my travel blogs, on our Dakotas trip, my traveling companion   and I spent an afternoon watching trout play in a stream.  Two or three trout took turns, swimming up stream to stay for a bit under the over hang of a rock, before swimming into the rush of water that took it down stream.  This went on for the better part of two hours while we watched them and sipped vodka tonics.

I look back at the smidgen of my animal experiences and realize “talking deer” don’t need to be verbal at all.  Much wisdom comes with age and experience if you are paying attention.

In the beginning….

Source: In the beginning….

Working Together to Eliminate Domestic Violence


When considering how I think domestic violence can best be lessened I look to the law.  I was a dispatcher for a police  department  in Connecticut, both pre and post domestic violence legislation.  DV law has made a significant impact in decreasing intimate partner violence, educating us all on what is acceptable  behavior in a relationship.  Along those lines teaching our sons and daughters how to treat others, starts in the home and school, on the playground, ball field, and  any place people gather.  Mental health plays a more significant role than I would have thought.  Verbal abuse, physical abuse and a sort of water torture of threatening actions  goes on in too many homes.  Alcohol and drug abuse are major factors as well.

Over the past twenty-two months I have assisted both  women and men victims of domestic violence,   file for Restraining Orders.  I don’t work with the victims whose incident…

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Working Together to Eliminate Domestic Violence

When considering how I think domestic violence can best be lessened I look to the law.  I was a dispatcher for a police  department  in Connecticut, both pre and post domestic violence legislation.  DV law has made a significant impact in decreasing intimate partner violence, educating us all on what is acceptable  behavior in a relationship.  Along those lines teaching our sons and daughters how to treat others, starts in the home and school, on the playground, ball field, and  any place people gather.  Mental health plays a more significant role than I would have thought.  Verbal abuse, physical abuse and a sort of water torture of threatening actions  goes on in too many homes.  Alcohol and drug abuse are major factors as well.

Over the past twenty-two months I have assisted both  women and men victims of domestic violence,   file for Restraining Orders.  I don’t work with the victims whose incident ended in an arrest, those are handled by the Advocates working for the DA’s office.  I work with walk-ins, in one of Massachusetts’ busiest courts.  The law pertaining to obtaining an RO is fairly  clear and when people fall out of those parameters, Harassment Orders can be an option. However, HOs are a minefield of problems and while created to address rape by a superior officer or in a work place, harassment complaints have become the dumping ground for everything else, from homophobic neighbors,  to stalking, threatening with three incidents of the situation.  Because of their complexity, HOs often end up as a two party hearing before being granted.

As an advocate and court volunteer my opinion, is mine alone, but comes from over four decades of observation, consideration, and occasional conversation with those who work in the field.  I would like to see both laws changed and in the following ways.

Restraining Orders   for all the good  they do are not weapon proof, nor do they cover people who co-habitate, but are not in an intimate relationship; are dating, related by blood or marriage, or have a child(ren) in common.   The occasions are rare, but do exist where someone needs a RO, but does not fall under these relationships.

Harassment Orders   need to be separated into two different laws.  One that addresses neighbor disputes and one that harkens back to the original intent of sexual assault.    Stalking in and of itself is a very creepy, disturbing act. and three incidents are two too many.

For those who are the defendants in these cases, men or women, more sentencing needs to be toward Batterer’s Intervention.  A forty week program, where the participants need to pay to attend, and where probation depends on their participation and attendance.  Anger management isn’t the same.

This is one prong of help for victims,  a small step toward  Eliminating Domestic Violence, but this is  for one of fifty states. One of fifty states in a country that respects woman more than too large a portion of the rest of the world.

Education, laws that protect, batterer’s programs, counseling, and for the few who need them, safe, comfortable shelters.

Susan A. James Clark

Director    Intimate Partner Violence Project, Inc.

In the beginning….

I wish I had the time to edit this, but I am in the process of getting a grant requests out. Carol Woessner this is for you…….our first? bear “sighting?”


In the beginning isn’t a Biblical blog, merely the beginning of my return to writing and my travels.    There are days when words spilleth over and others when I wonder why anyone reads blogs at all.  The intent of  Ramblinggirl is mainly to chronicle travels, whether they be nearby trips to the beach, or my travels through this wonderful country of ours.  Generally the  big trips are with my long time friend and former Connecticut neighbor, Carol.

We don’t recall the actual beginning of our annual trips, except for a few to Rockport, Massachusetts where there is a family home.  The year after those trips  Carol and I  went to Maine.  Then there was a trip to visit Carol in California.  The next year we went to Montana and this is where the telling begins.

We met in Spokan, Washington at the airport.  Since Carol and I come from…

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In the beginning….

In the beginning…..

From Oklahoma City, OK to Albequerque, NM

Once I arrived in Oklahoma City to catch a Delta flight to Albequerque, my computer time ended.  For in Albequerque I met up with my friend Carol .  For those of you new to my blog Carol and I used to be neighbors in Connecticut and have been friends since we met  Halloween night, 1968.  We have been traveling the US together since she moved to California many decades ago.  

I turned in the car and headed for the airport.  It was a beautiful day and I had a couple of hours to spend before I needed to get to the gate.  Arriving early to airports is a compulsion of mine. Since having my knees replaced it can take a while to get through security.  

The day was beautiful and the area between the rental car return and the entrance to the Will Rogers Airport, was planted with lovely trees, shrubs and flowers.   I sat for over an hour watching people coming and going.   Finally it was time to leave the pleasant outside for  the “waiting room” aspect of the airport.    I cleared security and headed toward the gate.  

From Oklahoma City I flew to Salt Lake City, Utah and changed terminals and planes to continue on to Albequerque.  I arrived in Albequerque at 10:30 PM and called the hotel shuttle driver.   Leg 2 was about to begin.  New Mexico,  State 50…..or maybe 49.  That will be addressed in the next posting.  


Continued……From the Road…..the Last 50

Today started early  I went to  the pool at the hotel around 7.  I needed to stretch my body.  Too much car time each day.  Breakfast was odd….again.  Some egg thing that was supposed to be wrapped in a burrito type wrapper I some how missed…..sausage and French Toast strips.  I was in the car and  off at 9:00.  The day began overcast, as most of days around here,  seem to do.  It was misty and quite beautiful as i headed North out of St. Jo  to Nebraska.  I set the GPS for some random street in Brownville. Straight north, with thankfully much less traffic than I have been used to.  Everything was lovely  and I really could  enjoy the rolling hills.    

I stopped at a little town for an iced coffee.  There is no shortage of McDonald’s on this trip so my coffee needs are fulfilled along with pit stops. The parking area had a list of the churches.  The only one I recognized was a Methodist Church.  This is most assuredly the Bible Belt.  Next to that were engraved stones set into a brick wall with all the awards of the various high school sports teams in the town.  State Champs in football in the 1980s had each player name.  This just made me smile.  There is the Friday Night Light pride around here.  

Brownville,  Nebraska is picture postcard adorable.  That was my pull into Nebraska and turn around and head into Kansas.  I crossed  the Missouri  river which is the dividing line between the two states.  I didn’t need coffee so I went in to the Lyceum which was a book store, restaurant, and travel info spot.  I bought 2 books…one  cookbook and another.  Both are very small….and locally published…and used.  Good deal…..1.50 in all.  Tried to get post cards, but none existed in any of the 3 stores that were there and only one open.  The Lyceum….although I was sure they spelled theirs with an S.  I’ve not seen any post cards on this trip.  

Then through Kansas.  I complete this leg of the trip tomorrow in Oklahoma.  Everyone I’ve ever talked to about Kansas talks about FLAT.  I was again in rolling hills….beautiful landscape, punctuated with industrial grain precessing plants, I suspect.  Once again, Black Angus cows grazing on grass…..oh yum.  But the thought of those animals going off to feed us, made me wish I were a vegetarian.   I admire  those who are, but can’t seem to do it for more than a few days.  

Which brings me to lunch.  At a truck stop….the Sac and Pac somehow associated with the Sac and Pac Casino next door, I bought a turkey and cheese sandwich wrapped for all eternity…oruntil May 29,  so well that I thought I was going to have to go back in and ask for a knife.  Since it was nowhere near the expiration date, I ate it, sitting on a bench watching people gas up their cars.  I had driven at least an hour and a half with exits ever 30 or so miles and a couple with no services at all. So that is why I ate at the Sac and Pac……right off the road/highway ?    Another day of an under $5.00 lunch.  I did not go to the Casino.  Had I felt the need there were two more just a couple of miles up the road.  

Now it’s time for dinner.  Tonight, because  Wichita is a nightmare to get around in, I will be eating Italian.  Not on my list of wants, but it should be fine.  It is just up the street from the hotel.  

—–Original Message—–
From: saj04 <>
To: saj04 <>; AClark <>; dclark0760 <>; npjames <>; lupersing <>; CFWo <>; NLL1942 <>; LaelMorgan <>
Cc: melissa7 <>; CHIEFMPD1 <>; jacphip <>; guth <>; pam.arv <>; dweggler <>; kbrilliant <>
Sent: Mon, May 6, 2013 8:26 pm
Subject: Re: From the Road

Last night’s sleep was wonderful and I was up early this morning.  Early for me… comment from  those of you who get up at 5.  You know who you are…..I’m not one of you.  I woke up then, but went back to sleep.  Anyway……the Hampton Inn where I was staying had a guest laundry, so a load went in and off I went to breakfast.  While there, and it was a strange breakfast…..some bagel egg looking thing with that sausage gravy stuff you could build a patio wall with.  I had oatmeal and yogurt. 
I was the only one at breakfast.  I also think I was the only one on the 4th floor.  During breakfast someone came in looking like he popped out of central casting, dressed as General Custer.  Hat and all.  He disappeared and reappeared  walking toward me and said, “This is a lovely hotel!”  “Yes it is.   And quiet.”  AS he got closer he said, “Oh!  Are you a guest?”  I replied that I was.  He thought I owned the place!  I was dressed better than anyone working there…..and this is important later on……I was in laundry day travel clothes.  I had a white 3/4 sleeve jersey and my worn linen pants……striped short socks.  Clothes to drive in……and maybe get a cup of coffee and eat lunch in.  Nothing more. 
Since there was no one to talk to and I had made it pretty clear to Gen Custer I was neither the owner, manager, nor chatty, he settled down with a highlighter to get ready for a presentation.  I put the clothes in the drier and went up to finish packing up.  As the days go on the packing and repacking gets worse.  I was off to a great start and this was a short day.  291 miles. 
I headed north along Rt  54 and 71.  This was not Nebraska day, it was driving most but not all the length of Missouri.  Nebraska tomorrow when I complete that distance and head down through Kansas.  I was making good time.   Found a public radio station that has Ted Talk.  Happy.  Misty day great for driving without glare.  The landscape is beautiful as I head North out of Arkansas and into Missouri.  I have no idea when the transition happened, perhaps when the rock formations changed to look like the pictures of the hanging gardens of Babylon, sans the garden part.  Striated rock, terraced and rising some 75 feel above the roadway.  Sorry no pictures…….can’t drive and shoot too. 
Then the cattle and horse ranches.  Hills like the Hill Country of Texas.  Beautiful!   Lush greens, tall trees give way to scrub.  Road kill of creatures I have never seen.  A ring tailed something…..a fox i think and a few unidentified critters.  I was glad my daughter wasn’t with me….it would have broken her heart.  I said a little prayer along the way.
I was making good time.  Kansas City was ticking the miles closer and closer when BANG……thump thump thump.  I lost the ability to accelerate.  I pulled over to the shoulder of the road, hoping to make it to the next unknown exit.  That didn’t happen.  It was getting scary.  I stopped and called 911.  there was a sign for Harrisonville a bit further back and  mile marker 155.6.  I didn’t dare get out of the car and sat there belted in for what seemed like ages.  A Missouri State Highway Patrol vehicle pulled up in back of me and he came along the passenger side.  I said, Yup I’m the one…. he later asked what I meant.  He had not gotten the call…..he happened upon me.  He was on his way to a meeting some 45 minutes away.  He had just changed 2 tires in the last 5 miles.  He didn’t have time to change mine, but he didn’t want to leave either.  he called….no one had dispatched my call.  He changed the tire.  and whle I was on the phone with Hertz, put everything back in the car and left.  Another trooper arrived during the last of the lug nuts and gave me his card along with the name of the first Trooper who had stopped.  They will be getting a thank you eventually.  Particularly Officer Walker.  Maybe even flowers.  *  here is where I dreaded being in my travel clothes….standing roadside looking a bit  unkempt. 
I drove at 55 mph to the Kansas City Airport.  It was an agonizing 20 mile + or – .   Time spent in paperwork…..somehow it is my fault for the pot hole or rock…..not sure which.  I thought it a pot hole….the officer told me one of the other women whose tire he changed said it was a large rock.  anyway….I am safe and sound… in another Hampton Inn in St. Joseph,  Missouri.  Thankful and grateful for the help along the way.  Driving another Chevy Malibu…..if you are thinking of getting one…… don’t.  Love the USA but they still have some catching up to do.  No wonder an Avalon was in such demand in Memphis.  Probably one of their high end cars as well. 
It will be another early night tonight.  Longest day is tomorrow.  thank you Carol for answering my frantic call when I had no idea where I was…….from California she has been keeping track of me on her iPad.  I finally found myself on the map I had been staring at for ever…before my call. 
OH LUNCH…….You know those warnings, usually in small print on menus….the warning about raw and undercooked meats?  Well….this one was posted on the wall of the restaurant,  in BIG letters.  I ordered a burger and a half order of  fries.  Cooked to gray……lots of chewing involved.  WHY the sign?  Undercooked meat?  Not on their watch.
I ate 1/2 of the 1/2 order of fries.  The total for lunch…..$5.50.  Food isn’t expensive around here.  But the economy…..oh my.  It’s a hard scrabble life.  Even the big ranches with the cattle and horses have small non-descript homes.  A dozen or so trailer homes were parked along the roadside with a sign that said, “Repossessed homes for sale.” 

In the beginning……May 5, 2013

Last night was interesting.  The hotel is next to some train tracks.  Loud whistles woke me every couple of hours.  And the pillows…..I’ve not figured out what Hampton Inns are doing with their pillows, when I woke for the final time I found I had flung 2 on the floor.  The remaining two seemed better the last leg of last night.
This morning @ breakfast,  I ended up sitting beside a Hospice Chaplin from Sacramento,  who was home visiting family in Memphis.  We talked for at least an hour.  Then all the way up in the elevator and in the hall. She was a lovely way to start the day.  I have been struggling with a spiritual practice I am trying to integrate into my life, and it was one she knew and loved.  So that sparked another discussion. 
I left Memphis in the rain, around 9:45.  I pulled in to Fayetteville, Arkansas around 5:15.  Dick Aucoin said no matter how fast you drive figure 55 mph with stops and all.  He was right on the money.  I think this leg was 350+ miles and I would have gotten in earlier had I not taken the ramp heading south bound after gassing up 7 miles from here. 
Arkansas is just ugly on the East side.  Hours of farms.  Thank God for them, but with nothing growing but grass and winter wheat on the land, few trees to hide rows of double wides or houses sad and unloved, I understood why the Clintons moved to tony Westchester County NY.  
The highways are 2 lanes with one lane of trucks……semis for as far as the eye can see.  Sometimes passing and slowing down the car lane.  It’s not an easy drive in that regard. 
The Chevy Malibu that I have has Satellite Radio.  I’m not crazy about it as the programing on what is NPR like isn’t always the same.  Good but different.  And more country music than anyone should be subjected to.  It’s a work in progress for me.    OH and a talking GPS on Board which is nice, but she can’t pronounce street names any better than Lady Garmin.  I think I’ll mail  my GPS home. 
Then trees…..more trees…..mountains…..I was in the Ozarks.  I know life off the main thoroughfares can be tough, but around the edges there is beauty.  The Boston Mountain Range is where I am now.  Tomorrow I will take one of the loops through the mountains.  It will be another long hard driving day, up into Nebraska and down through Missouri, but before I set out I hope to spend some time off the main highways.  I can hear you tsk tsking this hell bent trip, but except for the nicest people and good bbq, this is a fast trip.  OH YUH Walmarts and more XXX Adult Super stores than I’ve ever seen.  Gives you an idea of how little there is to do around these parts. 
Ravens are amazing birds, soaring along the highways looking for road kill.  They seem to have staked out each mile as if by invisible markers.  And out of no where came a Great Blue Heron…..just as I was so sore and exhausted I wasn’t sure I could make it the last hour.  I suspect it has a home along the Arkansa River.  It crisscrosses Rt 40, like the Delaware Water Gap along Rt 80.  in upstate NY. 
The sky today as i headed West was beautiful cloud stripes of fluff with sky blue in between.  It was a lovely sky to watch.  It’s getting near sunset and looking like I might be heading in to a day of sun tomorrow.  There was so much I wanted to report, but it is gone…..I wish I could write and drive too.  I’ll try that tomorrow. 
From the Road……Sue
PS .  I mailed my book to New Mexico so what else do I have to do? 

Completing the 50!

I am going to post my “From the Road” emails here.  They are rough and sent from a guest office in the many Hampton Inns I stayed in along the way.  But they tell the story of the journey, now a distant past.  An accomplishment without all the hour by hour you will get some of here.  This appears to be day 2 perhaps day 3.  

Last night’s sleep was wonderful and I was up early this morning.  Early for me… comment from  those of you who get up at 5.  You know who you are…..I’m not one of you.  I woke up then, but went back to sleep.  Anyway……the Hampton Inn where I was staying had a guest laundry, so a load went in and off I went to breakfast.  While there, and it was a strange breakfast…..some bagel egg looking thing with that sausage gravy stuff you could build a patio wall with.  I had oatmeal and yogurt. 
I was the only one at breakfast.  I also think I was the only one on the 4th floor.  During breakfast someone came in looking like he popped out of central casting, dressed as General Custer.  Hat and all.  He disappeared and reappeared  walking toward me and said, “This is a lovely hotel!”  “Yes it is.   And quiet.”  AS he got closer he said, “Oh!  Are you a guest?”  I replied that I was.  He thought I owned the place!  I was dressed better than anyone working there…..and this is important later on……I was in laundry day travel clothes.  I had a white 3/4 sleeve jersey and my worn linen pants……striped short socks.  Clothes to drive in……and maybe get a cup of coffee and eat lunch in.  Nothing more. 
Since there was no one to talk to and I had made it pretty clear to Gen Custer I was neither the owner, manager, nor chatty, he settled down with a highlighter to get ready for a presentation.  I put the clothes in the drier and went up to finish packing up.  As the days go on the packing and repacking gets worse.  I was off to a great start and this was a short day.  291 miles. 
I headed north along Rt  54 and 71.  This was not Nebraska day, it was driving most but not all the length of Missouri.  Nebraska tomorrow when I complete that distance and head down through Kansas.  I was making good time.   Found a public radio station that has Ted Talk.  Happy.  Misty day great for driving without glare.  The landscape is beautiful as I head North out of Arkansas and into Missouri.  I have no idea when the transition happened, perhaps when the rock formations changed to look like the pictures of the hanging gardens of Babylon, sans the garden part.  Striated rock, terraced and rising some 75 feel above the roadway.  Sorry no pictures…….can’t drive and shoot too. 
Then the cattle and horse ranches.  Hills like the Hill Country of Texas.  Beautiful!   Lush greens, tall trees give way to scrub.  Road kill of creatures I have never seen.  A ring tailed something…..a fox i think and a few unidentified critters.  I was glad my daughter wasn’t with me….it would have broken her heart.  I said a little prayer along the way.
I was making good time.  Kansas City was ticking the miles closer and closer when BANG……thump thump thump.  I lost the ability to accelerate.  I pulled over to the shoulder of the road, hoping to make it to the next unknown exit.  That didn’t happen.  It was getting scary.  I stopped and called 911.  there was a sign for Harrisonville a bit further back and  mile marker 155.6.  I didn’t dare get out of the car and sat there belted in for what seemed like ages.  A Missouri State Highway Patrol vehicle pulled up in back of me and he came along the passenger side.  I said, Yup I’m the one…. he later asked what I meant.  He had not gotten the call…..he happened upon me.  He was on his way to a meeting some 45 minutes away.  He had just changed 2 tires in the last 5 miles.  He didn’t have time to change mine, but he didn’t want to leave either.  he called….no one had dispatched my call.  He changed the tire.  and whle I was on the phone with Hertz, put everything back in the car and left.  Another trooper arrived during the last of the lug nuts and gave me his card along with the name of the first Trooper who had stopped.  They will be getting a thank you eventually.  Particularly Officer Walker.  Maybe even flowers.  *  here is where I dreaded being in my travel clothes….standing roadside looking a bit  unkempt. 
I drove at 55 mph to the Kansas City Airport.  It was an agonizing 20 mile + or – .   Time spent in paperwork…..somehow it is my fault for the pot hole or rock…..not sure which.  I thought it a pot hole….the officer told me one of the other women whose tire he changed said it was a large rock.  anyway….I am safe and sound… in another Hampton Inn in St. Joseph,  Missouri.  Thankful and grateful for the help along the way.  Driving another Chevy Malibu…..if you are thinking of getting one…… don’t.  Love the USA but they still have some catching up to do.  No wonder an Avalon was in such demand in Memphis.  Probably one of their high end cars as well. 
It will be another early night tonight.  Longest day is tomorrow.  thank you Carol for answering my frantic call when I had no idea where I was…….from California she has been keeping track of me on her iPad.  I finally found myself on the map I had been staring at for ever…before my call. 
OH LUNCH…….You know those warnings, usually in small print on menus….the warning about raw and undercooked meats?  Well….this one was posted on the wall of the restaurant,  in BIG letters.  I ordered a burger and a half order of  fries.  Cooked to gray……lots of chewing involved.  WHY the sign?  Undercooked meat?  Not on their watch.
I ate 1/2 of the 1/2 order of fries.  The total for lunch…..$5.50.  Food isn’t expensive around here.  But the economy…..oh my.  It’s a hard scrabble life.  Even the big ranches with the cattle and horses have small non-descript homes.  A dozen or so mobile homes were parked along the roadside with a sign that said, “Repossessed homes for sale.” 
I’m really stopping now…….more tomorrow….i hope.  Sue